The ADHD Clinic



At Bloomfield Center for Psychology & Wellness, we provide comprehensive evaluation and consultation services for children and adults suspected of having attention, hyperactivity or impulsivity, as well as learning, and behavioral problems, and for those who have already been diagnosed with ADHD but continue to experience challenges. A treatment plan will be collaboratively created by our team, offering a combination of specialized services including therapy, behavioral interventions, medication management, and other supportive measures to ensure the most effective management of ADHD symptoms.

CHILDREN — Our specialized clinic focuses on understanding each child’s unique needs to create tailored treatment plans that support their growth and development. For children already diagnosed with ADHD who continue to face difficulties, we offer re-evaluation services to reassess their condition and treatment efficacy. This may involve updating their diagnosis, adjusting medication, and exploring new therapeutic strategies.

Our goal is to ensure that each child receives the most effective, evidence-based interventions tailored to their evolving needs. In addition to evaluations, our clinic provides ongoing consultation services to support families and schools in managing ADHD. We work closely with parents and educators to develop and implement individualized education plans (IEPs) or 504 plans, and behavioral interventions that help children succeed academically and socially. Our team also offers training and resources to equip caregivers with strategies to support their child’s development at home and in school.

ADULTS We understand that managing ADHD can significantly impact various aspects of your life, and we are here to help you navigate these challenges effectively. We believe in a comprehensive and collaborative approach to treating ADHD. Whether it’s through behavioral interventions, therapy, or coaching, we work with you to develop skills that make everyday tasks more manageable.

Our clinic offers thorough diagnostic assessments to confirm or rule out ADHD, ensuring you receive an accurate diagnosis. For those who require medication as part of their treatment plan, our experienced team will guide you through the process of obtaining the necessary approvals for prescriptions. We provide ongoing medication management to monitor effectiveness and adjust treatment as needed, ensuring optimal results.

Our team of specialists works with you to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. This plan may include a combination of therapy, behavioral interventions, medication management, and other supportive services to ensure the most effective management of ADHD symptoms. In addition to medical support, we offer assistance with important documentation to help you succeed in your educational and professional pursuits. Our team can provide letters for college accommodations, ensuring you receive the support you need in an academic setting.


    • 60 minute session

    • Clinician gathers relevant information about the individual's symptoms, medical and developmental history, presenting concerns, reasons for seeking assessment, as well as cognitive, academic, or occupational functioning. The clinician gathers detailed information about the individual's medical history, symptoms, and daily challenges.

    • For children, this involves a parent interview to understand developmental milestones, behavior at home, and performance in school.

    • Typically ranges from 1 to 4 hours

    • Customized to meet the specific needs of the client

    • Direct observations, cognitive and academic testing, standardized testing to assess attention, memory, intelligence, executive functioning, and other cognitive abilities

    • Administered to evaluate cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and behaviors

    • Clinician provides a comprehensive summary of assessment findings is provided, identifying strengths and weaknesses, discussing diagnostic considerations, treatment recommendations, and strategies for addressing any difficulties. This may include medication management, guidance on obtaining prescriptions, and ongoing monitoring, as well as therapy and behavioral interventions to develop personalized strategies for managing symptoms.

    • If requested by the client, information can be provided to relevant parties, such as psychiatrists, schools, etc. — we offer support services to assist with obtaining accommodations, such as 504 plans for children or college letters for adults.