Autism Assessment Services

Autism Assessment Services

Autism Assessment Services

We provide diagnostic appointments for individuals from ages 1 to 18, as well as for adults, where we assess and establish or rule out a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In addition to ASD, we can diagnose a variety of other developmental disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), communication disorders, and anxiety disorders.

CHILDREN (Ages 1-18)Each child undergoes a comprehensive evaluation process that includes a parent interview, direct observations, physical examinations, and the use of diagnostic tools. Our evaluation team thoroughly reviews your child's medical records and reports from their school. Based on your child's age and symptoms, we assemble a specific team for their diagnostic evaluation. This team may include a speech-language pathologist, psychologist, and psychiatric provider, ensuring a holistic and accurate assessment.

What sets us apart is our streamlined, multidisciplinary approach to diagnostics. Our diagnostic appointment is a comprehensive, one-day evaluation involving a team of specialists who work collaboratively to assess your child. This is followed by a feedback appointment soon after, ensuring you receive timely and thorough results. Our team approach and efficient process distinguish us from others, providing you with a complete and coordinated evaluation experience.

Shortly after the diagnostic appointment is completed, the family meets at a separate feedback appointment with one of the providers to:

  • Share diagnosis and review results

  • Offer treatment recommendations/resources

  • Provide the family/individual with a copy of the diagnostic reports

ADULTS — We specialize in providing comprehensive diagnostic services for adults who suspect they may have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As the Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) notes, “There is no one way to be autistic.” traits, symptoms, and support needs vary among autistic individuals. Through a series of in-person or online observations and interactions, we take into consideration any symptoms the individual reports experiencing. Our diagnostic appointment for adults is a comprehensive, one-day evaluation with a psychologist, and if requested, a psychiatric provider, ensuring a holistic and accurate assessment.


  • CHILDREN — This involves a parent interview to understand developmental milestones, behavior at home, and performance in school. Prior to the interview, you will complete an intake form that outlines several questions about your child’s medical, developmental, social-emotional, and behavioral history. At the interview, you will meet with the diagnostician during which a thorough understanding of your child’s developmental history will be obtained and questions will be answered about the evaluation process. This is done on the same day as the testing session for the convenience of both children and parents.

    ADULTS — Clinician gathers relevant information about the individual's symptoms, medical and developmental history, daily challerges, presenting concerns, reasons for seeking assessment, as well as cognitive, academic, or occupational functioning.


    Your child will be evaluated using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2), a diagnostic instrument specifically determined to be empirically valid for accurately identifying autism, along with measures of adaptive behavior and social emotional functioning. The assessment time will vary depending on your child’s age and skill. You may accompany your child throughout the assessment should separation difficulties emerge.


    • Direct observations, cognitive and academic testing, standardized interviews and testing to assess attention, memory, intelligence, executive functioning, and other cognitive abilities, as well as differences or difficulties in communication, hyper- or hyposensory awareness, and more

    • Typically ranges from 2 to 4 hours

    • Clinician provides a comprehensive summary of assessment findings is provided, identifying strengths and weaknesses, discussing diagnostic considerations, treatment recommendations, and strategies for addressing any difficulties. This may include medication management, guidance on obtaining prescriptions, and ongoing monitoring, as well as therapy and behavioral interventions to develop personalized strategies for managing symptoms.

    • If requested by the client, information can be provided to relevant parties, such as psychiatrists, schools, etc. — we offer support services to assist with obtaining accommodations.

  • The time it takes to conduct the developmental evaluation varies from child to child as well as the diagnostic tool used. Some insurance companies have specific requests for which diagnostic tool is used when assessing children for ASD.