Neuropsychological Testing & Psychological Assessments



Neuropsychological assessments are conducted through a combination of standardized tests, clinical interviews, self-report measures, and observations.

The assessment process is individualized, with tests selected based on the individual's presenting concerns, medical history, and referral questions.

The results of these assessments provide valuable information for clinicians, patients, families, and others involved in the individual's care.

Generally, the Neuropsychological testing and Psychological assessment processes involve 3 sessions:

    • 60 minute session

    • Clinician gathers relevant information about the individual's symptoms, medical and developmental history, presenting concerns, reasons for seeking assessment, as well as cognitive, academic, or occupational functioning

    • Typically ranges from 1 to 4 hours

    • Customized to meet the specific needs of the client, depending on factors such as the purpose of the assessment (e.g., pre-surgery evaluation, autism diagnosis).

    • Administered to evaluate cognitive functioning, emotional well-being, and behavior

    • Clinician provides a comprehensive summary of assessment findings is provided, identifying strengths and weaknesses, discussing diagnostic considerations, treatment recommendations, and strategies for addressing any difficulties.

    • If requested by the client, information can be provided to relevant parties, such as attorneys, schools, etc.



ADHD Evaluations

Autism Evaluations - All Ages

Autism spectrum Re-evaluations

Combined ADHD + Autism Evaluations

Trauma + PTSD Evaluations

Medical & Surgical :

  • Bariatric/Weight Loss Surgery Evaluations

  • Chronic Pain Evaluations

  • Spinal Cord Stimulator Evaluations

forensic evaluations

Substance Use & Abuse Evaluations:

  • Alcohol Assessment Test for DUI

  • Substance Use Evaluations

  • Substance Abuse Assessments for DUI/OWI

Adoption & Pre-Adoption:

  • Adoption Evaluations

  • Pre-Adoption Evaluations

  • International Adoption Evaluations

educational & Occupational:

  • IQ Assessments

  • Private School Admission Testing

  • Learning Disability Evaluations

  • Fit for Duty Evaluations

Neuropsychological & Psychological :

  • Cognitive Decline/Impairment Evaluations

  • Cognitive Decline: Full Evaluation

  • General Psycho-diagnostics Evaluation

  • Personality Assessments

  • Psycho-educational Evaluations